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Know you need to be more strategic in marketing, but unsure of what to do differently?

A Marketing Consulting Package

can help set you on a new, intentional path forward

You know you need to be more strategic in your marketing, but you’re juggling so many balls in the air that you’re just happy to get something done. But without reviewing your marketing efforts and being more intentional about what you do, you’re worried that you’re wasting valuable money, time, resources, and opportunities.


What if you could get a set of experienced eyes and ears to take a fresh look at your marketing strategy?

With a marketing consulting package, we’ll collaborate with you to take a look back at where you’ve been and where you are and let that inform us on how to move forward. With this package, you’ll receive three final deliverables, 1) Back Study Report, 2) Benchmark Spreadsheet, and 3) Recommendation Report.


Marketing consulting projects are customized to your business, starting at $1,497.

The Marketing Consulting Process

The first deliverable is a Back Study Report. In this phase, you’ll have the opportunity to review the journey of your business and the marketing activities that you’ve undertaken. Yes, you probably know the majority of your business history and present situation, but seeing it written out all in one place, from the perspective of an outsider, might just enlighten you a little. Bringing in a fresh set of eyes and expertise can help you identify the adjustments you should make as you move forward.


During this phase, we also refocus back on your target audience, or as we call them, your persona. We build out Persona Profiles and Persona Journeys. Going really deep into your persona shines a light on how to reach them, so the work we do through this process will inform all our recommendations, strategies, and plans.


The second deliverable is a Benchmark Report Spreadsheet. We’ll analyze any datasets you have available relevant to marketing for the past two years. This can include website data, social media data, sales and revenue data, leads and contact form data, etc. What’s most significant about this report is getting all of the data into one place and viewing it together. Your business operates as a whole, so your data should be analyzed as a whole. This data helps guide us in the next phase, the recommendations phase.


The third deliverable is a Recommendations Report. After reviewing the Back Study Report & Benchmark Report, we start looking toward the future and begin work on recommendations. By focusing on your persona and how you serve them, we identify the opportunities for reaching them in your marketing efforts. This phase of the project is high-level overview of what next steps you can take in your marketing. This includes areas of your marketing that need attention and adjustments, as well as ideas for what you can start - or stop - doing.

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